February 15th, 2012 by Administrator
Version en français After a first article on WebGL, I come back on this topic for real usage. Use in dev version of WebGL on Fennec (mobile firefox), go in about:config, fiter webgl, switch webgl.force-enable to true On Linux plateform, no problem...
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January 3rd, 2012 by Administrator
version en français WebGL is a 3d API for the Web based on OpenGL library. This is a W3C (managing web standard organisation) standard. Already existings applications are already wonderfull and show that web will quickly allow a better interactivity on...
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July 12th, 2011 by Administrator
Ce billet existe également en Français Translation, subtitling (and captioning) have a big help from the web. Nowadays some tools appear, at least good enough for syncing translation efforts on the web, perhaps not so good, because of bug, and slow...
Read morePosted in English tutorial, Tutorial in french, chinese culture, extension, music, network, procrastination, software developement | No comments
January 9th, 2011 by Administrator
Windows « 8 » sur architecture ARM. * Il faut s’attendre à un temps de portage de ce système d’exploitation, pour qu’il soit adapté aux plateformes au moment de sa sortie. Actuellement, ces plateformes comportent de 256 Mio à...
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March 6th, 2010 by Administrator
A patch from Charbel Jacquin allow onion skinning function to mypaint, making it a really nice animation tool. Patched git trunk sources (2010/03/05) (Update 2010/04/07): Sources : mypaint-animation.0.8.2+git.tar.lzma (lzma/xz) or ...
Read morePosted in MyPaint, tutorial in chinese, English tutorial, Tutorial in french, animation, extension, software developement | 1 comment