Universal (or at least terrian until 2012) translation and subtitles

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Translation, subtitling (and captioning) have a big help from the web.

Nowadays some tools appear, at least good enough for syncing translation efforts on the web, perhaps not so good, because of bug, and slow flash usage in some case, this is at least a good start for a quick and efficiency planet-communautary driven translation.

Transifex.net is a collaborative (and free as beer) tool, allowing to translate .po by team. .po are translation files automatically generated by gettext tool (a Gnu tool) with the goal to help to translate (free) softwares.

Open Subtitles is a well known international video subtitles database since several years.

UniversalSubtitles.org is another collaborative (and free as beer) tool, allowing to add subtitles and captions in any existing online video. There’s only one enforcement, the video must be, at worst in flash format (on Youtube, Vimeo, Dailymotion…) or at best in HTML-5 format (WebM, Ogg/Theora, or mp4/H264). The second option allow to edit on a low end computer (as mine) directly on the site, and with the better quality of those formats. The flash version is mostly unusable, at least you have a computer that use the power of the whole Fukushima plant melting power (at least 4 times Tchernobyl). I finaly use computer installed specialized softwares for subtitling, you can find some references on the FLOSS manual dedicated to vido subtitles. But the best solution was finally for me vi + mplayer.

Here is an example (I found this one searching something in chinese to translate) that some viewer couldn’t like :D, with Chinese, English and French subtitles. Sadly it was in Flash format, I worked hard (thankyou FlashVideoReplacer + vi + “mplayer -utf8 -sub *.srt *.mp4″). And as you see, you can integrate it in copy-pasting only 3 lignes of code. I don’t understand whyfor this is in flash, as I uploaded mp4 after the original flash, and some other HTML-5 content are in whole HTML-5 interface…

Flash version (subtitles not synced on my old computer) :


{"base_state": {"language": "en"}, "video_url": "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbMZWIUhspQ"}


HTML-5 version (doesn’t work with cunjunction of my blog and my paranoid all-blocking browser :D, oops, it works, but is very slow because also in flash :( (syncing problem could be due to lack on timespace between subtitles forthis js, works perfectly in mplayer ?) :


{"base_state": {"language": "en"}, "video_url": "http://popolon.online.fr/Shanshan_de_hongxing.mp4"}


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