palette managing tools with advanced features on web and GNU/Linux
- Color scheme designer, a javascript allowing to choose color and to see what daltonism people see with it.
- color mixers
- color schmer online V2 another javascript, with more extended choices, but less settings.
- another js tool for color scheme. Works well with last Seamonkey/Mozilla version (In maintening state).
- Colour lovers
- Easy RGB
- Kuler d’Adobe. the exported format can be converted by Swatchbooker
- Color blend, interpole between two defined colors and display result in color, hexa, RGB (0-255 et %).
- Unsafe colormatch help to test unsafe colors on a web page.
- Color Munki palette
- search color used in a picture (it is possible to give a web site).
- DeGraeve Color Palette Generatorgenerate a color palette with main color tons of a picture (Picture of choice can be given).
- An aptitud test to distinguish colors. Males are generally less good as they are potentially victim of daltonism (color blinding), femals are then more better.
- Wordpress color links, lot of other applications for color.
- blog with color scheme analysis content
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Xavier Basty:
December 7th, 2009 at %0:%Dec %p
I love the “wrong microsoft-like tared file, without whole directory for content, file will awfully scatter in your directory like a gelly” part… Sorry for that ;)