en: Textured space Bebete

Bebete tablet and texture

Version française

An illustration test using tablet drawing and textures with Inkscape.

The texture is based on part of a RATP ticket, (parisian métro(subway/underground), and bus).

Scanned with Epson RX620 printer/scanner/photocopier/numeriser/….. , printers of this company are really good (if not the best) for printing and open its specifications, allowing to have great open source (and more generally free software) drivers. Scan was realised without problems with GNU/Linux using SANE version 1.0.16, perfect for low resolution a little slow for highest in this version, it’s also possible to scan to card reader and to read this card with « mass storage filesystem », with GNU/Linux. Sane is directly interfaced with The Gimp with xsane plugin, allowing to accelerate workflow. Printing part of this printer/scanner works well with gutenprint-5.0.0-beta4 (former gimp-print), more recent RC1 version manage more modes and allow better performances.

The texutre is tilized with Texturizer 2.0 Gimp plugin. Thanks to gimpfr.org for information. After installation, this plugin is accessible by menu Filters=>Map=>Texturize.

I rised contraste with Gimp, using Tools=>color tools=>luminosity/contraste to keep good impact after lowres output (as this picture)or hidden under several translucide layers.

With Inkscape, on some textures I added duplicata (CTRL+D) filled with flat color, and lowering alpha value to modifying color keeping texture.

Use clone instead of duplicata???

A clone (ALT+D) could be better than a duplicata (CTRL+D), because clone nodes follow master nodes modification, allowing to easily modifying two shapes, But the color and texture depend from master, the interest is then lose in this case, or the original is black, and we have to add two clones (one for texture and one for color.

Linked offset

Linked offset is certainly ideal,because it follows its master and allow to have different filling, but it’s not really usable today because of some bugs (At least at the date of french version writting, bug #1243563 give detail of the few bugs encountered, that I hope will be corrected for 0.43???).

Most of color in front of textures are flat colors. For the sky I use color gradiant (without transparency gradient). It could be interesting to play with transparency to have other effects in some cases.

1 comment on this post.
  1. cornelius:

    Thanks for the english version, I think people will appreciate it, at least me and my memory :)

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