January 3rd, 2012 by Administrator
version en français WebGL is a 3d API for the Web based on OpenGL library. This is a W3C (managing web standard organisation) standard. Already existings applications are already wonderfull and show that web will quickly allow a better interactivity on...
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August 6th, 2011 by Administrator
Au moment ou Adobe semble se tourner vers le HTML 5, Flash 64 bit Linux est enfin disponible en version beta (alpha depuis 2 ans), non seulement ça n’est plus la 10.1 qui était tantôt disponible, tantôt abandonné et indisponible, mais la 11.1...
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July 12th, 2011 by Administrator
Ce billet existe également en Français Translation, subtitling (and captioning) have a big help from the web. Nowadays some tools appear, at least good enough for syncing translation efforts on the web, perhaps not so good, because of bug, and slow...
Read morePosted in English tutorial, Tutorial in french, chinese culture, extension, music, network, procrastination, software developement | No comments
February 18th, 2011 by Administrator
* P2P DNS : .p2p * Independant Certificat Authority : CAcert Debian, Ubuntu, etc… can install ca-certificates package (since 2009). * P2P search engine (avoid NSA information gathering on you) : Seeks and Public Seeks nodes * OpenStreetMap for...
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January 12th, 2011 by Administrator
français english The main problem of firefox is in it’s management of content and interfaces that are on the same thread. There is actually an internal work to separate interface and pages content, so if a page consume too much resources, the tab...
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