July 27th, 2009 by Administrator
Technic : draw with ballpen on paper + scan + gimp => copy/paste to mypaint, color by mypaint save as multiple png remiport in gimp for remix (with multiply mode for first layer) I wrote several functions to import/export layers as multiple png in...
Read morePosted in MyPaint, extension, software developement, test | No comments
March 16th, 2009 by Administrator
Il y a également une version en français de cet article Most of today computer has got several core in their CPU, today I wanted to accelerate some hard computing tasks that are done in a monothread, by dispatching them on 4core computer (my atom330...
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February 10th, 2008 by Administrator
After a try on Xubuntu (the light desktop XFCE version of Ubuntu) of Pencil Gnu GPL licensed animation software (for GNU/Linux, Mac OSX and clone of Wine including MS version called something like ixpi). , Pencil is a young but really good application...
Read morePosted in Pencil, English tutorial, animation, software developement | No comments
December 31st, 2007 by Administrator
Posted in Tutorial in french, software developement | 2 comments
September 30th, 2006 by Administrator
J’ai pondu un patch qui corrige quelques bugs importants relatifs aux masques et chemin de découpe dans inkscape-0.44.1. Ces 2 attributs étaient perdus lors de simplification de chemin, lors de transformation d’objet en chemin Read more
Read morePosted in Inkscape, software developement | 1 comment