March 15th, 2009 by Administrator
Il y a également une version en français de cet article As MyPaint(painting application), Pencil (animation application) and Sakura (light, GTK tabbed terminal) are missing on Ubuntu 9.04 (test version) and thant only this version can boot in 64 bits...
Read morePosted in MyPaint, Pencil, English tutorial, Tutorial in french, system, ultra low voltage | No comments
October 28th, 2008 by Administrator
Sorry, this entry is only available in Français.
Posted in Pencil, Tutorial in french, animation | No comments
October 27th, 2008 by Administrator
Pencil, I alread described here, is a wonderful animation tool. I created a eeePC-701/Xandros binary of Pencil-0.4.3b (mirror), this piece of software should need preinstalling libming-0 and libqt4: sudo apt-get install libming-0 libqt4 And have to...
Read morePosted in Pencil, English tutorial, Tutorial in french, animation, eeePC | 3 comments
February 10th, 2008 by Administrator
After a try on Xubuntu (the light desktop XFCE version of Ubuntu) of Pencil Gnu GPL licensed animation software (for GNU/Linux, Mac OSX and clone of Wine including MS version called something like ixpi). , Pencil is a young but really good application...
Read morePosted in Pencil, English tutorial, animation, software developement | No comments