Archive for the 'Inkscape'

Technologies web et de l’information diverses

Données par des amis ou flanés sur le net. graphiques et animation vectorielle avec javascript * Raphaël JS, une bibliothèque en Javascript, pour faire du SVG animé, c’est superbe et efficace, ainsi que gRaphaël js plus spécialisée dans...
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Create a chromatic wheel with Inkscape

Il y a une version française de cet article This is a variant of the old article from august 2007 called Create a radiating sun, this time, I explain how to do a chromatic circle. The technic is about the same, but the color parameter of the clone...
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Compil Inkscape SVN (0.47) sous Jaunty

First get sources directly from SVN or SVN sources snapshot Then install the following Ubuntu developpement packages: sudo apt-get install automake intltool libpng-dev libgc-dev libfreetype6-dev libxft-dev libpango1.0-dev libgnomevfs2-dev liblcms1-dev...
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Inkscape generator,database or spreedsheat /SVG relationship script

Inkscape Generator is a script allowing relationship between SVG and database or spreadsheet, using the CSV format., this can be usefull in lot of case : * mailing * badges * customized objects * content filling, like a magazine where the page...
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(Français) Mise en page, patrons, grilles et gabarits

Sorry, this entry is only available in Français.