Archive for the 'Gimp'

Guangzhou streets

A thing that always wonder me in Guangzhou (广州) are the number of road in the sky on most strests. The vehicles are of all kinds. bicycle, electric bicycle, tricycle with baggage placement, big blue trucks, small (European/Asian style) to big cars...
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Gimp-2.5.1 enhanced graphics tablet management

The graphics tablet and movement management is greatly improved in Gimp-2.5.1, there are no several parameters for pressure, velocity and randomness can differently change effects on opacity, hardness, size and color. The little triangular icon, allow...
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Inkscape, Gimp & eeepc

Ah !!! F11 Key with Gimp save the life on eeePC :) La touche F11 avec Gimp sauve la vie sur eeePC :)

pig animation

The animatic was made with paper and pencil on lighting table. The background is quick acrylic painting. The whole is scanned/assembled with Gimp Animation Package (GAP), then the pig is coloried with gimp tools with GAP. This was done in june 2007 ...
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Salle des machines

Dessin à l’encre stylo feutre guohua (marque chinoise), mise en couleur sous Gimp. Ink drawing using guohua pen, colored with Gimp