August 28th, 2010 by Administrator
Mise à jour du 7 september 2010 : J’ai trouvé un site chinois d’apk pour Android permettant de contourner le bug SFR, il y a plein d’IME chinois, dont le très très bien 国笔GB输入法 Android V0.1.11, qui gère à la fois...
Read morePosted in Android, tutorial in chinese, (free) software, Everything, Tutorial in french, system, ultra low voltage | No comments
April 7th, 2010 by Administrator
I already wrote an article on an animation patch for Mypaint by Charbel Jacquin, and a very short try by mouse, there is now a specific branch with a new functionality (background layers/cellulos layers), that will be merged back in trunk as soon as...
Read morePosted in MyPaint, tutorial in chinese, English tutorial, Tutorial in french, animation | 9 comments
March 6th, 2010 by Administrator
A patch from Charbel Jacquin allow onion skinning function to mypaint, making it a really nice animation tool. Patched git trunk sources (2010/03/05) (Update 2010/04/07): Sources : mypaint-animation.0.8.2+git.tar.lzma (lzma/xz) or ...
Read morePosted in MyPaint, tutorial in chinese, English tutorial, Tutorial in french, animation, extension, software developement | 1 comment
February 11th, 2010 by Administrator
As everyone love you (oligarchic government, spying services, best friends,…) and want to follow you to protect you, the GPS module that is on every new cell phones today (interesting to add traces and way on OpenStreetMap, but annoying else). ...
Read morePosted in English tutorial, Tutorial in french, network, politics | 4 comments
June 3rd, 2009 by Administrator
I meet since long time a precision bug with my Wacom low-end Volito tablet and MyPaint. This tablet has got a very low precision: 512 level of pressure and then a very low approximation. The Linuxwacom driver send not-null values when stylus come near...
Read morePosted in MyPaint, English tutorial, Tutorial in french | No comments