May 12th, 2009 by Administrator
Temps: 10minutes technique : Sanguine marron sur papier blanc écru
Posted in drawing, sketch & rough | No comments
January 15th, 2009 by Administrator
La 3e edition des 24h de la BD d’Angoulème ont lieu bientôt, les inscriptions se sont terminées ce soir, j’ai juste eu 1h pour improviser 2 planches et finir vers 00h, dernière heure pour l’inscription. J’espère que je serais...
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August 24th, 2008 by Administrator
Fan-art of the famous belgian comicstrip artist Franquin, after some of his illustrations published in “Le Trombone illustré”, and some personal research. And the colorization of one selfmade using Gimp
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January 28th, 2008 by Administrator
The animatic was made with paper and pencil on lighting table. The background is quick acrylic painting. The whole is scanned/assembled with Gimp Animation Package (GAP), then the pig is coloried with gimp tools with GAP. This was done in june 2007 ...
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December 10th, 2007 by Administrator
Défi : Parce que défi lancé à 3 personnes sur le thème du supermarché. Crayonné : ~25minutes (critérium 2 mm HB sur papier A4) Mise en couleur : Gimp.
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