Archive for the 'arts and cultures'

version en français WebGL is a 3d API for the Web based on OpenGL library. This is a W3C (managing web standard organisation) standard. Already existings applications are already wonderfull and show that web will quickly allow a better interactivity on...
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In few time, two forks of MyPaint has be done, one is about animation and will probably never be integrated in trunk, the other is called anime (the japanese word about animation), but is in a first time at least oriented to draw manga. Animation After...
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‘Mauvaise herbe’ à la pagode chán (禅, zen pour les japonisants et son pour les coréanisants) du cœur paisible à Sèvres
Soleil (Ήλιος)+Samyang (삼양)+Nikon (ニコン)+Popolon (抱抱龙)=> Merci/谢谢/thanks/gracias/спасибо/고맙습니다/teşekkür ederim/jëre-jëf/ありがとう, Rawtherapee: Rodin à une tête bizarre, non ? Rodin has a...
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After the preview post on DSLR remote capture on Linux with GTKam here a video of the same functionnailty, with the really good Entangle. Here (Ogg video). MP4 / OGV: