01.blink_and_button blink led and switch button ======== exemple of usage of ESP32-C3 NodeMCU board with a LED (explnations about resistor calculus) and switch button (explanation about pull-up/pull-down resistor and debouncing) see https://popolon.org/gblog3/?p=2117 for tutorial 02.2022_screen_and_potentiometer display on I²C/SIP screen and potentiometer (using ADC) ======== Exemple of I²C/SIP display on screen with a SSD1306 compatible module, move a text on it depending on Analog to digital input from a potentiometer (aka variable resistor) br are brotli compressed sources if you get from wget or a web browser using file.c it will automagically and transparently download the file.c.br and you will get the file.c